Sunday, March 2, 2008


Returning home will be amazing because I know we will all have so many things to catch up on. I have incredible stories and pictures that I cannot even begin to post online. Seeing as life at home has gone on with out me- I am sure that I too have a lot to hear about and I look forward to our catch up sessions. However, coming home will not be easy. For all of you drug addicts out there. I now know how you feel. I am addicted to traveling. Going home is going to be like going into withdrawal from the biggest overdose of your life. It might take me a while to come down from such an extreme high. Shaking and vomiting may occur. If you are my sister- remember how you felt after leaving summer camp? Try going around the world with those people and then leave them… it will be like that. It has only been slightly over a month since I’ve left and I’m already wondering how it would be possible to return to normal.

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